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Raising puppiesDSC_0164

At De la Parure we spend much attention on the well being of our French Bulldogs.This already starts before the puppies are even born. We dedicate all our time and resources to our beloved breed. With over 30 years of breeding experience we know the “do’s and do not’s” concerning the French Bulldog. Off course we raise all puppies in house this is an absolute necessity.




Socialization of puppies

Socialization is imperative with young pups. Take your puppy everywhere and expose him to everything you can think of. Take him for car rides. Introduce him to as many strangers as you can. Carry treats with you and encourage the people he meets to give him one. Expose him to other dogs in controlled circumstances where you can make sure any interaction is positive. Take him into stores and walk him down busy streets so he can get used to traffic, noise and unfamiliar smells and objects. Do your best to teach him that the world is a good place, not a frightening one.



IMG_0068Different temperaments

Different dogs have different temperaments and reactions to new things. Many puppies are bold from birth and nothing every phases them or gives them pause. Others a bit more cautious, and some are downright fearful. The pup’s early personality is mostly a product of genetics, but as he grows his experiences will play a more and more important role. Whether he is naturally fearless, fearful, or somewhere in the middle, socialization is never a bad thing. It reinforces the bold behavior of confident pups, and helps instill more confidence in those who are naturally more shy or hesitant. He may not be completely comfortable with everything at first, and that’s ok. He’s just a baby.

The world is a very big and unfamiliar place to him and he will look to you for reassurance. Don’t force anything on him. Do things at his pace, and only so much as he is comfortable with. Reward confident behavior with praise and petting. Ignore any hesitancy or fear on his part.Trying to reassure him that things are ok by petting and using soothing words will have the opposite effect. It will encourage fearful behavior as soon as he learns that acting this way will earn him attention from you. Instead just ignore it, and praise only when he shows confidence. Likewise, don’t correct for fearful behavior. Punishing him for being unsure will only make it worse.

It will not only assure him that there indeed something to worry about, but and he was right all along to be uncomfortable in this situation, but it will also teach him that he can’t count on your for support in a stressful situation. Avoid any situation where he could have a strong negative experience. Young pups are very impressionable, and just as good experiences during this time will help them to become confident, well rounded adults, trauma can cause lasting effects as well. Socialize often and make every effort to make socialization as positive as possible, and your pup will grow into a confident, stable companion.

Supervise, be consistent and provide your puppy with feedback; positive as well as negative.

“The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.” 

Charles de Gaulle